

The use of our website is subject to certain general terms and conditions. Using this website means that you accept these general terms and conditions.

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​General information

The information on the NIHDI website is of a general nature. The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances.
As such, it cannot be regarded as personal, professional or legal advice.
If you need specific or personal advice, please seek professional advice from your health insurance fund or from one of the NIHDI services, depending on the subject of your question.

Content and availability of the NIHDI website

The NIHDI is making great efforts to ensure that the provided information is complete, correct, accurate and up to date. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies can occur.
If the information on the website contains inaccuracies or if certain information is unavailable, the NIHDI will make every effort to correct it as soon as possible.
The information on the website is permanently available. However, the NIHDI cannot guarantee that the website will be completely free of interruption or that it cannot be affected by other technical problems.
If you find inaccuracies in the information made available on the website or have any questions about it, you can contact us via the email addresses on the different webpages.

Links to other websites

The NIHDI website may contain links to other websites of governments, authorities and organisations over which the NIHDI does not exercise any control.
Hence, the NIHDI cannot provide any guarantee regarding the completeness or correctness of the content of those sites or regarding their availability.
The NIHDI disclaims any liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation or use of those websites and their content.

Protection of personal data

The NIHDI policy regarding the treatment of personal data applies to both computerised data and manual data.